Student Activities


April 2024

Here are links to our Spring Choir songs:

1. I am the Earth

Lyrics:  I Am the Earth2023.pdf

Sing-a-long: I Am the Earth – Lyrics


2. Shake the Papaya Down

Lyrics: Shake the Papaya Down – lyrics

Sing-a-long: Shake the Papaya Down – YouTube


Grade 4 – Winter Choir Session Links:

  2. THE RIVER (lyrics)  / The River (audio)


December Choir Performance Links:

We are learning two new songs – lyrics and sing-a-long links are below.  It would be really helpful if you could play the music at home to help your child familiarize themselves with the music.

1) In Our Town in December

2) Winter Sleigh Ride

We will also perform “Child of Peace” and “These Hands”, so if your child is new to choir, they should also work on those two songs, which you will see below.


Fall Choir Links:

  1. O Canada 
  2. These Hands
  3. Child of Peace


Family Fridays!

Family Fridays is an open house of learning and family engagement. On Friday mornings parents are invited into classrooms at drop off to read, play math games or engage in specific learning activities giving them a unique window into the classroom environment. Family Fridays are very well attended and at the core of our Vision to “build a caring and inclusive community where children, staff and families learn together.”

Below Families in Division 13 – Ms Janz’s class, are working on “Story Jumper” which is a program that enables students to create stories with images and become authors! Our School Learning Plan Literacy Goal in action!



Walking Field Trips and Walking Wednesdays

Outdoor learning experiences abound just outside Queen Elizabeth’s doors and Walking Wednesday activities take full advantage of what nature has to offer. Parents provide permission at the beginning of the year for students to engage in regular “walking field trips” within the vicinity of the school. These trips range in focus from physical activity to more experiential learning in Science, Math and Language Arts. From discovering painted rocks to nature hikes to just an extra breath of fresh air and exercise, students and teachers look forward to these weekly mini field trips in our own backyard.

Gardening Club

The students have been hard at work planting and caring for several garden areas around the school. Continuing this year is our growing Veggie Garden and Outdoor exploration area complete with mud kitchens and our new Bee Hive!

One-der Garden

In June of 2018 Mr. Toftager’s grade 1 class planted seeds in the garden at the front of the school.  They returned to school in September to amazing sunflowers!

Kinder Garden

Several classes have been working hard to create a beautiful “KinderGarden” by the front door of our school.  It’s so nice that even a friendly gnome paid a visit.

Lunch Monitors

Many of the Queen Elizabeth grade 4 students volunteer in our school community as lunch monitors. The opportunity to volunteer in classrooms with younger students provides our grade 4’s with a positive environment to develop their social responsibility competency. Being a caring and responsible monitor with our kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2 students creates situations where our grade 4 volunteers are able to demonstrate empathy and develop positive relationships within our larger school community. Thank you to all of our grade 4 students for helping others and making our school a safe and happy place!