Welcome to Queen Elizabeth Elementary School!
“Home of the Phoenix”
Queen Elizabeth Elementary School is a Kindergarten to Grade 4 school situated in the Queensborough area of New Westminster. The Queen Elizabeth Elementary School staff believe that every child has unique capabilities and characteristics.
Our responsibility is to provide the kind of education appropriate for the individual child and to help each student assume responsibility for his or her own learning and behaviour. We will encourage the development of acceptance, caring and respect for the ideas, feelings, and beliefs of others and a regard for the conservation of the world in which we live.
Address: 921 Salter Street, New Westminster, BC V3M 6G8
Phone: 604-517-6080 ~ Fax: 604-517-6081
email: queenelizabeth@sd40.bc.ca
Principal: Sarah Phelan
Vice-Principal: Tammy Dewar
Secretaries: Karen Hodgins & Michelle Polok
Click here to view the Street Map to Queen Elizabeth School
Click here to view the Best Walking Route to Queen Elizabeth School
Click here to view the Feeder Schools: Elementary to Middle to NWSS Flowchart