April 4, 2024
Parent Bulletin – April 4, 2024
Spirit Day
Students and Staff can show their school spirit by wearing something from an extra-curricular activity. This could be a jersey from a sport they play or outfit that represents their favorite activity from dance or gymnastics or martial arts. Maybe you have a medal or trophy to share or music class song to share.
If you do not have a jersey or outfit to wear pick your favourite team colours and wear those to show how you like to watch and cheer on teams like the Whitecaps or Canucks!
PAC Fundraiser – Growing Smiles Plant Sale
The PAC is back again with our Annual Spring/Mother’s Day plant fundraiser. There will be hanging baskets, planters, herbs, vegetables, some indoor plants and many items to choose from. Just in time for Mothers Day and for the nicer weather!
The plants will be delivered to the school on Thursday, May 2nd and are to be picked up between 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Please make sure that you are available for the pickup or make arrangements for someone to pick up on your behalf. We will not be able to provide deliveries for the plants.
The order deadline is Wednesday, April 17th at 8:00 p.m.
Please use the link to order
NEW Portables and Site Updates
Over spring break our maintenance department has been preparing to place 2 new portables on our site. Next week we may have some disruption on the playground by P9, P7 and P5 as the portables will be placed early next week.
We have also started the process of getting our site prepared for our upcoming build. Many of you have noticed that we have spray paint and painted sticks to indicate some drilling that will occur over the weekend. Please help the students understand that we should not disrupt these sticks.
Play Day – Sunday, April 7th at Queen’s Park Arena
Please check out the brochure for a free Play Day at Queens Park Arena this upcoming Sunday.
It is free to attend and children will have the opportunity to try out a variety of sports and activities on the floor of the arena! click here to see the Play Day brochure
April Calendar and Events
April 10 – Warriors Lacrosse presentation – Grade 4s
April 10 & 11 – Whitecaps Soccer program (all day on QMS field)
April 12 – Spirit Day – Extra Curricular Day
April 16 – HUB Cycling Program – Div. 1, 2, 3, 4 (in class)
April 18 – Early Dismissal Day – students dismissed at 12:05
April 23 – HUB Cycling Program – Skills day – Div. 1, 2, 3, 4
April 26 – Professional Development Day – Students do not attend school