November 29, 2022
Principal’s Message – November 29th
Dear Queen Elizabeth Elementary School Community,
The winter weather is upon us! We expect further cold temperatures and significant snowfall this week. Please continue to monitor weather conditions carefully and send children to school prepared with warm jackets, gloves, toques and boots.
Early on the morning of a significant snow fall event, the district actively assesses accessibility and the safety of all school sites for staff and students. Crews are dispatched to put down ice melt on walkways and clear snow from main access points.
Schools will remain OPEN unless otherwise communicated district wide. Decisions to close schools will be made as early as possible and communicated by 6:30 AM or shortly thereafter, on the day of a closure. Updates will follow each day as needed.
You can find more information about district communication of school closures – here.
Please see the following important updates and information:
A Special Retirement
Ms Kathy Pearce is retiring! Our beloved Secretary’s final day is December 16th. While she is irreplaceable and will be so very missed by all of us at QE, we are excited for Ms Pearce as she opens the next chapter of her life and spends more time with family and friends doing what she loves!
We also have said goodbye for now to Ms Alanna Beaton, our amazing Counsellor, as she begins her maternity leave. Further information to come regarding her replacement in the New Year. Congratulations Ms Beaton – you will be missed!
December 14th – Winter Performance, 5:30 PM at the QCC Stage
On Wednesday, December 14th at 5:30 PM our Grade 3/4 School Choir will perform on the Queensborough Community Centre Stage. The PAC will be providing refreshments and has secured some donations so we can light up the stage for a festive community gathering as we enter our Winter Break!
Grade 4 – Young Entrepreneur Shows
Divisions 1, 2, and 3 will be hosting Young Entrepreneur events in the school gymnasium as follows:
Division 3 – Minto – Tuesday, December 13th
Division 2 – Madlambayan – Wednesday, December 14th
Division 1 – Dominguez – Thursday, December 15th
Grade 4 Students have designed and created their products, business plans, and advertising and will be open for business to individual classes during school hours in the afternoon and then to the greater community from 3:00 – 3:30 PM on each of the above event dates. Proceeds from the sale will cover business expenses and a portion of the student profits will be donated to a charity of the divisions choosing. Thank you for supporting our students as they learn more about Financial Literacy!
2023 After School Programs
We are finalizing two after school programs to begin in late January 2023. They will take place on Thursday and Fridays between late January and March, for students in Grades 1 – 4. Session themes will be Sports and the Arts. Please watch for a flyer to be sent digitally in the coming days with dates, times and registration information!
Ski Club!
Successful registrants have been contacted and have until December 1st to secure their child’s spot. On December 5th any unclaimed spots will be offered to our waitlist families in the order their registrations were received. Volunteer opportunities for Ski Club Parents will be limited and communicated once ski club spots and the supervision structure has been finalized.
Questions, comments or concerns? Please contact your child’s teacher or me directly at
Thank you!
P. Manville