February 24, 2023
Principal’s Message – February 24th
Dear Queen Elizabeth School Community,
Thank you for your participation in Family Conferences this week! We hope you enjoyed your classroom visits to see student work and take pride in all your child’s accomplishments this term. We loved seeing parents enjoying our classroom and hallway displays, particularly those highlighting all the learning classes have done during Black History Month.
As February comes to a close, and we look forward to Spring Break and hopefully the return of warmer weather, please note the following information and updates:
Grade 4 Graduation Hoodies!
Students in Grade 4 will have the opportunity to purchase a graduation hoodie to commemorate their final year at Queen Elizabeth before they move on to Queensborough Middle School in the Fall.
Here is how the ordering process will work:
– Next week students will try on sample sizes of the hoodies to determine best fit, choose a colour and Sign the – Class of 2023 – design logo which will be printed on the back of the hoodies
– Students will have a limited choice of hoodie colours that will work best with the design logo colours chosen, and in order to display student names clearly
– Students are voting on the design logo today (Feb 24) and the results will be revealed before dismissal bell!
– Once sizing, colour choice and signing is complete we will place our order with the supplier before Spring Break
– A charge for the hoodie will be placed on student’s School Cash Online account – we would like all students to receive a hoodie, please let us know if our support is needed with your purchase
If parents have questions or would like input on their child’s hoodie size or colour please contact the office directly – the sizing samples will be available in the office for the duration of the week (Feb 27 – Mar 3).
Questions? – Please contact Paul Manville directly at pmanville@sd40.bc.ca
And finally a huge thank you to the PAC that has graciously offered to help support a portion of the cost of the grade 4 hoodies.
Kindergarten Dental Screening
Fraser Health will be providing Dental Screening to all Kindergarten students on Wednesday, April 12th and Wednesday, April 19th at Queen Elizabeth. Please let us know if you have any questions.
New Westminster Schools Communication Tools Survey
The New Westminster school district is running a Communications Survey to gather parent, caregiver, and community feedback on how well the messages and tools we’re using at both a district and school level are working (e.g., through websites, group emails, social media channels, etc.). This is part of an effort to measure priorities as the district is evaluating some of the systems we use to connect with our community. The survey will be open until Sunday, February 26th. We encourage you to take a few minutes to help us review how we’re all communicating with you, and let district staff know what you’d like to see next: https://forms.office.com/r/QBVyw28diy
Severe Weather Reminder
A reminder with the upcoming snowfall forecasted. All severe weather that may impact a school’s closing or re-opening will be communicated daily to all families in the morning at approximately 7AM. We don’t anticipate the upcoming snowfall event will impact school opening on February 27th but please check your email, School or District websites that morning if unsure.
Calendar Ahead
Mar 9 Report Cards Published to Parent Portal
Mar 10 Rainbow Day – Dress in the Colours of the Rainbow!
March 13 – 24 Spring Break
Mar 27 School Re Opens after Break