April 14, 2023
Principal’s Message – April 14
Dear Queen Elizabeth School Community,
Spring has Sprung! Sort of … The sun is shining, but we are looking forward to MORE warmer weather and outside activities. Please see the following information, updates and events.
“SongFest” – Monday May 1st at New Westminster Secondary School
Our Grade 3/4 choir is off to New West Secondary on Monday May 1st for Song Fest! This is in celebration of Music Monday, the National Day of Celebration and Advocacy for Music Education in Canada. Students of all ages from various schools will come together to join their voices in song to experience and illustrate the power of music to foster positive community, tell stories, open conversations, and support well-being. A bus will pick up students at the school around 10:30 AM on Monday, May 1st and they will return after lunch! Thank you Ms Mellor for bringing this amazing musical experience to our students!
Spring Plant Fund Raiser!
It is that time of year again for the annual spring plant fundraiser. PAC has organized another round of beautiful plants in time for Spring. Orders are open now and will close on April 25th. Plants will arrive to the school on Friday, May 12, 2023 and be available for pick up between 2:30-3:30 PM. Please follow the link below for more information and ordering! A portion of all sales goes to the school for Resources and Field Trips for classrooms. Thank you for your support!
Welcome to Kindergarten
Our annual Welcome to Kindergarten Event will be held on May 3rd. This event welcomes the newest members of our School Community – the incoming Kindergarten Class of 2023-24! All of our families with children starting Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023 will receive information early next week and the opportunity to register for one of 3 WTK sessions in the school gymnasium – morning, mid-morning or afternoon. The sessions intend to orient families to our school, introduce them to our school staff and educate them further on school readiness to help make their child’s first school experience a successful one!
District Budget Survey
A friendly reminder that the District is currently looking for feedback to help shape the upcoming school year’s budget. If you haven’t had a chance yet, and you would like to share your thoughts on the options being considered, or respond with any additional ideas, this survey should take only 7-9 minutes to complete: https://forms.office.com/r/vC9YQkw9pH. We also encourage you to share this link with your kids, as they may have thoughts that can help inform the investments for the 2023-24 school year.
The survey is completely anonymous, and is open until April 21st at 5pm. The feedback will be collected, alongside other consultations and work to help inform the Superintendent’s Recommendations to the Board of Education, which will happen on May 2nd. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!
Calendar Ahead
Apr 17 Rise Up Sports Begins (Afterschool Program)
Apr 24 Pro D Day
Apr 26 PAC Meet at 7PM
Apr 27 Power of Drawing Begins (Afterschool Program)
May 1 Songfest Choir Fieldtrip – Notice sent home to Choir Participants
May 2 Collaboration Day – Early Dismissal at 12:24 PM
May 3 Welcome to Kindergarten Event (New 2023-24 Families)
May 10 NW Soccer Begins (Afterschool Program)
May 10 Coding Begins (Afterschool Program)
May 19 Pro D Day
May 22 Victoria Day
May 23 Class Photos
May 24 PAC Meet at 7PM
All Schoolwide Events to year’s end are included on the Events Calendar – see the link below.