September 18, 2021
Important School Reminders and September Dates
Please see the following important school reminders and dates in the coming week.
Important September Dates
Tuesday, September 21st – Staff Collaboration Day – A reminder that Tuesday, September 21st is an Early Dismissal Day. Students are dismissed at 12:24 PM.
Wednesday, September 22nd – Parent Advisory Council Meeting @ 6:45 PM via Zoom. Meeting Link.
Thursday, September 23rd – Individual Student Photo Day. We will begin our pictures in the morning with our Kindergarten students to ensure hair and any fancy clothes are in peak condition for the pictures! Please do not send your child if they are ill, picture retakes are scheduled for November 1st
Friday, September 24th – Terry Fox Run – Students in Grades 1-4 will be participating. We will hold two runs on Friday to provide greater space for runners and parents, who are welcome to attend and watch. The SCHEDULED time for your child’s run will be confirmed and communicated this week. Viewing areas for parents will be organized on the City Park field. We ask that parents arrive on time for their child’s scheduled run, respectfully distance in the designated viewing areas and wear masks. Donations to the Terry Fox Foundation will be accepted through School Cash Online.
Monday, September 27th – Staff Professional Development Day – School will be closed for the day.
Thursday, September 30th – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – School will be closed for the day.
Weather and Outdoor Activity
As the Summer draws to a close and Fall is upon us the weather will predictably turn colder and most certainly wetter. At Queen Elizabeth Elementary inside play days are rare. We keep students inside at recess and lunch play breaks when the weather is excessively wet, cold or windy. We believe children need daily fresh air and in addition to regularly scheduled play breaks, staff at QE take advantage of our natural surroundings and will take students for outdoor lessons and activities frequently. Children are far more resilient than we give them credit for; however, without proper jackets and footwear, cold, wet weather can be uncomfortable for anyone. Please ensure your child comes to school daily prepared for inclement weather with a proper RAIN jacket (one that sheds water instead of absorbing it) and BOOTS (rubber/vinyl). Umbrellas are also strongly encouraged.