September 6, 2022
A Message from Your PAC!
The PAC would like to welcome everyone to the 2022/2023 school year. We hope to have another successful year, and part of being able to do so is by having an active Parent Advisory Council. If you have a child that is attending the school, you are automatically a part of the PAC. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. (excluding December), via Zoom. Details to follow. If you wish to be more involved with the PAC in terms of volunteering or being a member at large, please reach out to any one of us and we will make sure to keep you involved. There are also open positions if anyone was interested as well. The 2022/2023 board is made up of the following people:
Chair: Tabitha Guichon
Vice Chair: Vacant
Recording Secretary: Carly Ballarin
Treasurer: Kaitlyn Richards
DPAC Rep: Susan Kenny
Alternate DPAC Rep: Vacant
Members at Large: Bernadette Gourlay, Happy Brar
The email to contact the PAC is
We also have a Facebook page under Queen Elizabeth Community School Parents Advisory Council.
A part of what the PAC does is fundraising to help fund some of the opportunities that we bring to the school. In the past, we have helped subsidize field trips and additional supplies for teachers, provided funding for the RAZ Kids reading platform and any new opportunities that we, the PAC, approve. Last year, we were able to bring a new opportunity to the school, which was the Alveole Honey Bees ( We would not be able to do this if we didn’t fundraise to make these learning opportunities happen.
So, here we are starting right from the very beginning with our first fundraiser of the year!!!
The Fall Plant fundraiser.
This is a quick one with the order deadline being next Thursday, September 15th at 8:00 p.m. The plants will be delivered to the school on Thursday, September 29th and will be available for pick up between 3:00-4:00 p.m. Ordering is taking place online. We have done this fundraiser in the past and the plants are absolutely beautiful.
We are looking forward to another great school year and would love to see more faces and hear new ideas and opportunities!
Thank you,